Walking around Goleen.

Walking around Goleen.

Our home in Ireland is a tiny town called Goleen, we actually live less than a mile from it and up a small road that mainly has room for only one car(roads like that are quite normal here) so if you happen to come across 

Three Castles Head

Three Castles Head

Our first castle to visit here is Three Castles Head. It was a very incredible place to experience. We decided to go after dinner with the days being long here and sun does not set till 8:30. We didn’t now what we were getting ourselves 

Across the Green Emerald

Across the Green Emerald

Our first night was fitful for some and restful for others. Regaining conciousness at 9:30 which made for a mad rush as we scrambled to get out the door of our hostel as we only had 30 minutes before we had to exit our rooms. 

Huzzah Ireland!

Huzzah Ireland!

Leaving our house early Monday morning was the begining of our trip to Ireland. Before we could leave the country Charlotte had a Dr. appointment at Shriners in Chicago. Praise God we were able to see the Dr. quickly and all looked well for Charlotte.